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The Junkbox



"Do not throw away today what you might

  use tomorrow..."

The junkbox is for many hams one of the most valuable things they possess. In most cases it takes many years and many visits to ham fairs and club auctions to collect the things other people might throw away without a second thought.

This page contains links to other ham pages I find interesting or visit frequently or sections of my web site that do not fit in the main menu. If you think your web page should be linked here, let me know!

(All links open in new windows/tabs depending on your browser).

Other items on my web site:

  • Web video of a QSO between PA0GO and W2AJI.
    Both stations I contact regulary on 20M . Gerrit PA0GO has donated his (homebrew) equipment and shack to the Open Air Museum in Arnhem (but only after he will be SK). The Open Air Museum made a 2 hour video documentation and this QSO is part of it. There are two versions on the server:
  • My tester and signal generator.
    Some years ago at Wyong (our local ham radio ralley) I bought a test unit with a signal generator, positive and negative regulated variable power supplies and a lot of other functions for just $90. It now is one of the most important instruments in my shack!
  • The PHP module for calculating the distance between Maidenhead locators.
    The source file for this module (see the News page) can be downloaded here.

Links to Organistations:


Other HAM links I check out regularly:



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